About Us

Our company name might have already given it away. Our main goal is to provide all, including casual, gamers a way to get their own game servers up and running with no effort.

One thing we want to keep simple is our pricing. Instead of paying for a specific gameserver you're paying for your own virtual server, not shared so you have dedicated resources. On this server you can host one instance of all of our gameservers as long as they can run beside each other with no conflicts.

Managing Servers

Server management is easy, simple overview of your servers, for most people just one should be enough for all their needs but if you need multiple than that is no problem.

Managing Games

Each server has it's own games overview, here you can see which games are installed, current status. The main actions available to each game will be 'Restart Gameserver', 'Open CLI' for running commands, 'Download savefile', 'Edit settings', 'Install gameserver'/'Uninstall gameserver'.

Current Games

We're just starting now with Factorio but we're aiming to add many more really soon. Make sure to let us know which games or features you're waiting for as your opinion is critical to our development priorities.

We also want to be open and honest about the current features. Check a specific game page to see all the current features supported for it, and what is to come.

Latest Stable Version: 1.21.4
Last updated on: 09-02-2025
Latest Stable Version: 2.0.34
Last updated on: 09-02-2025